1188 Highland Avenue, Cheshire, CT 06410

From New Haven on I-91N:
Take Exit 17 to Exit 68W on I-691. Get off at Exit 7. At end of the exit take a left on Rte. 10 and proceed 1.7 miles. Look for the Barker Animation sign on the left.

From New Haven on the Merritt Parkway (Rte. 15):
Proceed to the end of the Parkway North in Meriden. Take Exit 68W to I-691. Get off at Exit 7. At the end of the exit take a left onto Rte. 10 and proceed 1.7 miles. Look for the Barker Animation sign on the left.

From Hartford on I-91S:
Take Exit 18 to I-691. Get off at Exit 7. At end of the exit take a left on Rte. 10 and proceed 1.7 miles. Look for the Barker Animation sign on the left.

From Hartford on I-84W:
Take Exit 27 to I-691. Get off at Exit 7. At end of the exit take a right on Rte. 10 and proceed 1.7 miles. Look for the Barker Animation sign on the left.

From Waterbury and Danbury on I-84E: Take Exit 27 to I-691. Get off at Exit 7. At end of the exit take a right on Rte. 10 and proceed 1.7 miles. Look for the Barker Animation sign on the left.
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